The Segment-Gamma air analyzer from Trobio has become a "Technological breakthrough-2021"
Trobio company entered the top 25 best projects of the Russian competition of the NTI Platform "Technological Breakthrough" and received an award in the nomination "Technological Breakthrough in the Field of Solutions for Land Transport and Transport Logistics" for a unique complex for continuous air monitoring for the presence of hazardous chemical and biological agents "Segment-gamma".
The Technological Breakthrough prize is awarded for outstanding technological projects, solutions, and achievements of Russian companies, for a significant contribution to the development of the domestic technology business, and significant achievements in the technological development of the country.
The Segment-Gamma autonomous complex is designed to control the chemical and biosafety of public spaces. The device automatically analyzes air samples using bipolar ion mobility spectrometry and flow cytometry, and can quickly detect hazardous chemicals, chemical warfare agents, explosives, and biological agents, such as chlorine, ammonia, cyanides, sarin, viruses, and bacteria. The complex is designed for the security of train stations, airports, schools, and other public spaces.